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Acknowledgements, References, Links to the Community & Sites

The purpose of this Page is to document acknowledgements, list some interesting Internet Sites for Chinese Heritage work and pointers to References.   In particular, by clicking "Help?" here or on the button beneath the "Thank You" page above, it will take you to our page which gives you a thumbnail sketch on matters such as how to read Chinese characters on your Web Browser, Date Systems often encountered in Chinese heritage records, convention on Chinese Names pronunciation..


In our journey of discovery as we conduct our research, we have been very fortunate.  Local Communities have been very generous in their assistance.  Public and Private Museums, Independent Scholars, the Academia, Public Record Offices and the Library Community have also been very helpful.   We thank one and all.

The Ararat Community:

bulletHeather Ahpee
bullet The Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre

The Creswick Community:

bulletElaine & Colin Wrigley
bulletDavid Henderson
bulletJean Baker
bulletVal Lawrence
bulletThe Creswick Cemetery Trust
bulletThe Creswick Historical Society
bulletThe Creswick Museum

The Port Albert Community:

bulletBill Black, President Maritime Museum, Port Albert
bulletCommittee of Management,  Maritime Museum, Port Albert
bulletJohn and Gwen O'Callaghan, Committee Members, Maritime Museum, Port Albert
bulletMarjorie Robinson,  Maritime Museum, Port Albert
bulletLawrie and Ina Burgess

The Library Community

bulletThe State Library
bulletThe Ballarat Library
bulletThe Public Record Office, Victoria
bulletElaine Craig, Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library

The Bendigo Community

bulletThe Lee Kim Family
bulletThe Golden Dragon Museum
bulletJoan Jack
bulletCarol Holsworth

Independent Researchers & Scholars

bulletAlister Bowen, La Trobe University, Australia
bulletRay and Dorothy Langtip
bulletSid Lisson (a grandson of William Loo Ching, Creswick)
bulletAlex Scott
bulletIrene Scott

The Gin (Chin) Family Associations (甄)

bulletGin Sun Hall Association, Kaiping, People's Republic of China
bulletGin Sun Hall Association, San Francisco, California, USA
bullet Dr. Hal Gin, President, Gin Sun Hall Association, San Francisco
bulletJerry Gin, Gin Sun Hall Association, San Francisco
bulletRobert Chin, Independent Scholar
bulletChin Wei Teck, Sabah, Malaysia

Internet Links

bullet Taishan
bulletChinese/English Dictionary
bulletPort Albert Maritime Museum
bulletYee Family Home Page
bullet The Ararat Chinese Heritage Centre
bullet Tom Genealogy

Web Master: Mun Chin